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C++ Implementation of Analytical Frictional Impact Dynamics Model

less than 1 minute read


This is the first frictional impact model in three dimensions developed for robot applications. As an illustration, the figure below shows the moments corresponding to (1) the initial state, (2) the end of compression, and (3) the end of restitution during the impulse evolution.


C++ Implementation of Analytical Frictional Impact Dynamics Model

less than 1 minute read


This is the first frictional impact model in three dimensions developed for robot applications. As an illustration, the figure below shows the moments corresponding to (1) the initial state, (2) the end of compression, and (3) the end of restitution during the impulse evolution.

life event



C++ Implementation of Analytical Frictional Impact Dynamics Model

less than 1 minute read


This is the first frictional impact model in three dimensions developed for robot applications. As an illustration, the figure below shows the moments corresponding to (1) the initial state, (2) the end of compression, and (3) the end of restitution during the impulse evolution.


C++ Implementation of Analytical Frictional Impact Dynamics Model

less than 1 minute read


This is the first frictional impact model in three dimensions developed for robot applications. As an illustration, the figure below shows the moments corresponding to (1) the initial state, (2) the end of compression, and (3) the end of restitution during the impulse evolution.

