Dual Arm Manipulation using Constraint Based Programming

Using this formulation, we take both equality and inequality constraints into account, in a way that incorporates both feedback and feedforward terms, enabling e.g. tracking of timed trajectories in a new way. The technique is applied to a dual arm manipulator performing a bi-manual task. We present experimental validation of the approach, including comparisons between simulations and real experiments of a complex bimanual tracking task. We also show how to add force feedback to the framework, to account for modeling errors in the systems.

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@InProceedings{	  wang2014ifac,
  address	= {Cape Town, South Africa},
  author	= {Wang, Yuquan and Vina, Francisco and Karayiannidis,
		  Yiannis and Smith, Christian and {\"O}gren, Petter},
  booktitle	= {19th IFAC World Congress},
  publisher	= {Elsevier},
  volume	= {47},
  pages		= {311-319},
  title		= {Dual Arm Manipulation using Constraint Based Programming},
  year		= {2014}